Data Analysis with Python in Excel

Leverage the power of Python to analyze data.

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About this learning path

Believe it or not, Microsoft Excel and Python have many things in common. For example, working with data tables is fundamental in both technologies when your goal is to produce new insights and positively impact the business.

This learning path will leverage your Excel knowledge to jumpstart your Python skills using pandas, one of the most popular Python packages for working with data. The pandas library provides Python with rich data table functionality. Not surprisingly, skills with pandas are fundamental for analyzing data with Python.

Enhance your data analysis skills, boost your career, and unlock new opportunities. You'll learn how to construct tables, for example, and perform advanced analytics in Excel with embedded Python.

By the end of this learning path, you’ll learn:

  • What are Python objects, and how they relate to Microsoft Excel.
  • How pandas DataFrame and Series objects are fundamental to data analysis using Python.
  • How Python provides a repeatable process for crafting the best data tables for your analyses.

And you’ll be able to:

  • Construct Python tables from Excel data.
  • Handle data using Python code.
  • Analyze and profile data for advanced analytics (e.g., cluster analysis).

This learning path is for you because…

  • You’re an Excel-based data analyst.
  • You work with tables of data in Excel to produce insights.
  • You want to move beyond the limitations of Excel to have more impact.


  • Knowledge of Excel tables, PivotTables, formulas, and VLOOKUP.
  • Required: You must have access to Python in Excel features. Note it can take up to a week to gain access to Microsoft’s Beta channel.
  • Required: Install Excel on Windows. If you’re using a Mac, follow these steps to get access to Python in Excel.

Recommended preparation  

Facilitator bio:

Dave Langer founded Dave on Data, where he delivers training designed for ANY professional to develop data analysis skills. Over the years, Dave has trained 1000s of professionals. Previously, he delivered insights that drove business strategy at Schedulicity, Data Science Dojo, and Microsoft.

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